My Tech Stack

Here's a list of languages, frameworks, and tools I use to build software, design, and stay productive.


  • Python

    My go-to language for data science, machine learning, and automation.

  • R

    Used primarily for statistical analysis and data visualization.

  • Java

    I leverage Java for building robust backend applications.

  • HTML/CSS & Javascript

    The foundation of all my web development projects.

  • Typescript & JSX

    I rely on these for type-safe frontend development in frameworks like React.

  • Svelte

    A powerful, reactive framework I enjoy using for lightweight web apps.

  • LaTeX

    My choice for creating professional and academic documents.

Frameworks & Tools

  • Git

    Version control for managing code changes across projects.

  • React & Redux

    Core frameworks I use to build dynamic UIs with state management.

  • SvelteKit & Next.js

    My go-to frameworks for modern frontend development with SSR capabilities.

  • Tailwind & Bootstrap 5

    CSS frameworks for rapid UI development with responsive design.

  • SASS

    Helps me manage CSS more efficiently by introducing variables and nesting.

  • Chart.js

    I use this for visualizing data within web apps.

  • Maven

    A tool I use for building and managing Java-based projects.

  • Firebase Storage/Auth/Database

    I leverage Firebase for backend services like authentication and data storage.

  • Vercel

    My preferred platform for deploying Next.js applications.

  • Prisma

    An ORM tool I use to simplify database operations.

  • Stripe

    A powerful API I use to integrate payment processing.

  • Clerk Authentication

    A modern authentication solution I use for user management.

Design Tools

  • Adobe Premiere Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, AfterEffects

    I use these tools for video editing, graphic design, and photo editing.

  • Figma

    My go-to design tool for UI/UX projects and collaborative work.