My name is James.

I am a sophomore computer science and economics student at the University of Toronto.

My philosophy is to embrace being multi-disciplinary and adaptable.

As a programmer, I try to avoid dogmatic specialization. I love learning about design, full-stack development, machine learning, and project management. As an athlete, I aim for hybrid training. I swam competitively for 3 years, run a 5-day strength training schedule, and try to average 20-30km weekly running.

In doing so, I really hope to synthesize technologies and skills that enable me to adapt in a rapidly changing tech landscape amongst a sea of students seeking optimization. The trait I admire most is resilience.

In high school, I spent much of my time involved in competitive debate. Since then, that interest has shifted, but my love for writing remains. This site is an attempt at presenting a few underdeveloped thoughts of my own, and many more [better ideas](/) from my readings.